A Buddhist man praying in one of the many temples of Bagan - Bagan

A heard of zebu, or humped back cows, stroll past dhammayangyi temple. Monumental in size and detail, this is just one of the thousands of ancient ruins that can be found in Bagan, Myanmar. Literally, over 2200 stupas, temples, and monasteries dot these dusty plains. The region is a sacred area for the Buddhist majority in the country. I took this photo on top of a temple rivalling in size, with a group of Burmese kids giggling right behind me - Bagan

Zebus and goats trotting past temples - Bagan

An Intha woman picking rice stems - Inle Lake

Intha women passing rice stems - Inle Lake

An Intha fisherman - Inle Lake

An young Intha herder watches over his water buffalo - Inle Lake

Intha youth and water buffalo share the rivers to escape the dry heat - Inle Lake

An young Intha woman making lotus scarves in the stilt village of In Paw Khone. It can take up to 20 days for one scarf to be made, since the lotus materials are so tedious to collect and use - Inle Lake

A Karen woman making clothing - Bagan.

Thousands of boats are used everyday - Inle Lake

The hills driving from Nyauge Shwe to Thazi.

Intha youth playing football - Nyange Shwe

An Intha man uses the traditional way of paddling with one leg to get down one of the main streets (canals) in the village of Kayla. Kayla is actually in the middle of Inle Lake, and so the only way to get around is by boat. The long bamboo poles in the background are used to keep each section of dirt stable so that the locals don't have to chase after their floating crops - Inle Lake

A water buffalo enjoying a meal - Hsipaw.

Two herders lead their zebus across some dry plains in search of any form of edible plants to graze on - Inle Lake

Zebu cows can also be used for traditional festivities - Bagan

An Intha fisherman - Inle Lake.

Intha women tie bunches of rice together as they make their way from one side of the paddy to the next. They will later return to pick the bunches up, and sell them to a rice production company - Inle Lake

An Intha woman watering some crops - Inle Lake.